Breed cats Minskin

In the photo: The first cat breed Minskin

Friends continue our series of articles devoted to the breeds of short-footed cats, which appeared with the participation of Munchkin. Today we have the cat breed Minskin and its founder, the guest of our site - Paul McSorley

Minskin is a breed of short-footed cats with unique hair. Cats of this breed can be

  • Absolutely hairless (not standard)
  • Fully covered with short hair (not standard)
  • The breed standard "Fur-Points" is a bald cat with obvious islands of thick velor wool on its muzzle, ears, paws and tail. The body may have a rare coat, but the belly is always bare.

Minskin is a mix of four breeds 1) Munchkin; 2) Burmese 3) Devon Rex; 4) Canadian Sphynx
Moreover, Munchkin and Burmese are most important in the development of the breed Minskin. Sphinx and Devon Rex were used only for “borrowing” the recessive gene responsible for changing the coat.

Фото минскина


I was one of the first to work with the Munchkins, and I am the founder of the breed Minskin. My mentor was the geneticist Dr. Solveig Pflueger, the head of the committee on genetics at TICA. Currently, Minskin cats are recognized in TICA as Preliminary New Breeds(PNB)

Paul McSorley
Founder of the breed Minskin

Breed history Minskin

In 1998, Paul McSorley began work on the Minskin breed. Just as the Siamese cats in color have markings on the ears, feet, tail, as well as the faces, he imagined a cat with short legs and fur like Siamese points - islands on a naked body. In order to achieve his goal, Paul crossed Munchkin with short paws and the Sphinx to obtain a hairless trait, and also used Devon Rex and Burma in his breeding breeding program.

Photo of the very first Minskin

This beautiful turtle-colored cat with a white name is "Rory" She is the first standard cat of the breed Minskin, born July 4, 2000 in the
cattery TRT - The Rite Type, and by the beginning of 2005 there were already about 50 cats of the Minskin breed.
In 2001, Minskin made her debut at TICA in her hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Character breed Minskin

Minskin is a tender cat who loves the company of people, especially children, and gets along well with other cats and dogs. Friendly, intelligent, small purposeful cats, they are very playful and will constantly entertain you with their antics

Appearance breed Minskin

Round head with large ears and large round eyes on the face make a sweet expression. The body is low, stocky semi-cobby type, coat color can be any. The islands of fur "Fur-Points" on the body resemble cashmere and have a satin sheen. The hair on the paws can reach the shoulders and hips, and sometimes the texture is subject to seasonal and hormonal changes. The body is sparse, and it is very warm to the touch.


заводчик минскинов
Paul McSorley cattery TRT - The Rite Type
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Breed Minskin video